Social development

Caring for one another

Social Development Program

The Homalco Social Development Program builds on our Ta-ow (teachings) for caring for one another. The Program honours the strengths of Elders, children, youth, and families of the Homalco Nation. Its goal is to work with our Members and improve their quality of life.

We support one another with care and respect on the journey to health and well-being for all generations to come.

The Social Development Program has been designed to help individuals achieve success, whatever their circumstances. We help our members connect with income assistance and work closely with Housing, Education & Training and other Homalco departments to support our members. 

To get started with our Program please call the office to make an appointment. You’ll need to bring current ID, a copy of your last bank statement and a current occupancy agreement from the Homalco Housing Department.

Learn more about the policy that guides our program.

Who is eligible for the Program?

The Social Development Program is for Homalco First Nation members living in the village along with eligible individuals who are members of other First Nations but live on Homalco community lands and non-status individuals that live in Homalco community.

Key Contacts