About Homalco First Nation Child Care
Homalco First Nation plans to open a 79 space licensed child care facility. This program will integrate Homalco First Nation Culture, traditions and language with the Montessori method of education and early childhood education best practices. We estimate the program will be operational commencing December 2025; however, this depends upon our construction schedule.
The Province has partnered with Homalco First Nation to build this facility which will include 24 infant-toddler spaces, 25 spaces for children aged 30 months to kindergarten, and 30 spaces for school-aged children.
Our child care program will prioritize spaces as follows:
- Children/families of Homalco First Nation members
- Children/families of Homalco First Nation employees
- Children/families from the Campbell River
This project jointly supported by provincial investments and federal funding and is made possible through over $9.5 million from the ChildCareBC New Spaces fund and the federal Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund.
If you want to be placed on our waitlist, please click here.
Please monitor this webpage for updates regarding Homalco First Nation’s Child Care Centre.
If you are interested in future employment at the Childcare Centre please email: childcare@homalco.com
Key Contacts
Shaylene Harry & Jane Boyd
Child Care Administration