Homalco First Nation announces new Child Care Facility

(From Left: Councilor Preston Joseph, Parliamentary Secretary Briere, Chief Darren Blaney, Jane Boyd (45 Conversations), Councilor Robert Harry Sr, Ayla Fitzgerald (youth), Jeff Yap (Sea to Sky Architecture), JP Picard (CBRE), Vivian Wong (Sea to Sky Architecture), MLA Michele Babchuk, Health Director Shaylene Harry, Councilor Jamie Wilson, Councilor Alison Trenholm)

Homalco First Nation is excited to announce that they have secured federal and provincial funding for a total of $9.5 million dollars towards a new child care facility that will be built in the Homalco community. The Centre will provide 79 child care spaces and is open to all residents of Campbell River. Please read the press release below for more information about this

HFN Press Release Aug 2024 – Child Care