Homalco Law and Policy

A safe and strong community

Land Code

The Land Code is about taking control of land management for reserve lands. Homalco First Nation is in the first stages of withdrawing our lands from the Indian Act. This is so we can have more control over our lands and resources. The Land Code will help us have control over our reserve lands and resources so we can benefit our members.

This is regulated under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, and enabled by the First Nations Land Management Act 1999 (FNLMA).

Finance and Administration Law

The Homalco First Nation Finance and Administration Law was enacted in 2019, through authorities under the Financial Management Board.

Governance Policy Manual

The Governance Policy Manual details the roles and responsibilities for elected officials of the Homalco Nation

Custom Election Code

Adopted through a vote by membership in 2020, the Custom Election Code describes the nomination process, term of office, candidate requirements and appeals process for Homalco First Nation elections.