Emergency Management

Homalco Emergency Management Program

Homalco First Nation holds inherent title and rights to the unceded territory of our ancestors. It is these inherent rights that enable the Homalco Emergency Management Program. The Program is administered under the authority of the Chief and Council of Homalco.

Chief and Council have the primary responsibility to ensure emergency management plans are in place, that training and exercising of the emergency system take place, and that everyone in the community is aware of emergency response protocols. Community engagement is an important aspect of our program.


Homalco First Nation thanks our partners at the Strathcona Regional District and the City of Campbell River. We also acknowledge the contributions made by The B.C. Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, Indigenous Services Canada, The First Nations Emergency Services Society, and the First Nations Health Authority.

Emergency Notification Service

The Strathcona Regional District offers a free emergency notification service through the Alertable system to keep residents, visitors and businesses informed of emergencies in a timely manner.  Emergency notifications are delivered by both text messages and voice calls to landlines and cell phones to people who subscribe to receive them.

Sign-Up to Receive Free Emergency Notifications

Key Contacts

Alison Trenholm

Lands and Governance Director

250-923-4979 ext. 0612

Christen Dodge

Executive Assistant
