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Hello! How are you? We’re glad you’ve come to see us


Homalco First Nation provides services that are grounded in our culture, language and traditions. We work together as a united community to heal. We honour our past and look forward to a self-sufficient future.Find out about the services we offer here.

Upcoming Events

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Who We Are

We are the Xwémalhkwu, or Homalco. We are known as “the people of the fast-running waters,” and our land runs from Dent Island, just north of Sonora Island, travels over to Raza Passage, and extends over the entire Bute Inlet. There are 450 people registered with the Homalco Band today.


Read about our living traditions, as well as the colonial impact on our Peoples and how we are learning to thrive today.

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Culture & Language

The Homalco First Nation is a Northern Coast Salish Nation. Together with our sister nations, we share an ancestral tongue called the Comox language.

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Lands & Resources

We are known as the “people of fast running waters,” named after Bute Inlet. We aim to protect and connect with our territory for generations to come.

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Vision, Mission & Directives

Homalco is working towards being a united, culturally grounded, proud, wealthy and healthy Nation. We respect and uphold the values of our ancestors.

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Our Origin Story

The story of how Homalco People came to be is called “The Dog Children.” Read about the generosity and resourcefulness of our ancestors.

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This is where you will find information about the Homalco Nation’s governance. Our goal is to be accountable and transparent so we can improve and become sustainable, self-sufficient and inclusive.